Saturday, July 18, 2009

Casting a Dream Net

Question for all of you: What themes or events recur often in your dreams? For about as long as I can remember, I've had dreams about weird things happening with elevators--doors not working properly, the car stopping between floors--usually ending in a cable/brake failure and a terrifying free fall. But lately it seems the dreamland lift engineers have figured out a way to put emergency brakes on those things, however, and I survived the two elevator-free-fall dreams I've had this month. Anyone else have recurring, evolving themes/events that have endured through the years? It's not the one-time weird dreams that are worth pondering; it's the ones that keep coming back that are intriguing.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I keep having a reoccurring dreams about eating foods and smoking ganja...

Unknown said...

I had the same terrifying dream almost every night for about 3 years starting around age 4 or 5. Thereafter, and with depreciating frequency over the next 3 or 4 years, I periodically had the exact same dream, always ending in the same terrible death with minor deviations. After about age 12 or so the dream stopped. Then, in 2007 while in Wales, I had the exact dream once more. I woke up expecting to be in my bunk bed and for a minute couldn't figure out where I was. It was amazing.