Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I’m tired.

I’m tired of being physically worn out, sleepy, spent. I’ve exhausted every desirable permutation at Starbucks and can’t drink Gachet’s swill anymore.

I’m tired of procrastinating. I’m tired of last-minute, late-night, half-assed (or less) efforts. I’m tired of substituting Amp for sleep. I’m tired of turning in rough drafts the day the finished product is due.

I’m tired of being unable to express it. I’m tired of not being able to write about it. I’m tired of making a concerted effort to avoid “be” verbs, of employing alliteration (it’s a cheap trick), and of relying on a thesaurus. Tired of reading shit on the internet that’s written in passive voice and of wondering if I’m really any more talented than the jokers who contribute awful prose to Wikipedia. I’m tired of censoring myself. I’m tired of being slow to speak, slow-witted, a slow reader, and slow at my work.

I’m tired of waking up three days a week and doing a lonely job that only sorta pays. I’m tired of not being a morning person, of starting late and lazily ending early. I’m tired of slowly losing my sanity—laboring alone with my only thoughts and fragments of Fergie songs stuck in my head.

I’m tired of apologizing to my Lord every time I utter the word(s) goddamnit. I’m tired of saying goddamnit. I grow weary of trying to not sin, of forever losing the same battles, of my sinful nature. Mostly I’m tired of seeing large breasts with delicate, translucent skin poised to burst out of tank tops and partially unbuttoned blouses and so tired of trying not to stare.

I’m tired of these eyes that don’t see clearly, these yellow teeth, these knobby knees. I’m tired of this flesh.

I’m tired of struggling to form thoughts in a cloud, the meaning always hidden just beyond the fog. I’m tired of having to hear an idea, watch a film, or read a poem twice just to identify the subtleties that everyone else sees. Tired of being powerless to form a decent question or original thought.

And I’m tired of losing points when I do get it right—when I omit a comma after an introductory “and” or answer that Nixon wasn’t formally impeached. Tired of being rebuked, attacked, or punished on the rare occasion that I assert myself, go with my gut, or say what I really feel. I’m tired of being misunderstood, of being incapable of making you understand. I’m tired of my own self-protection, my own distrust.

Tired, too, of wanting to cry and remaining unable or unwilling to. I’m tired of feeling sorry for myself when friends are uprooting families and crossing oceans, when family members are counting the days until parents die, and when friends of friends are running from emotional abuse. I’m tired of being helpless to Free Tibet, Save Darfur, save even a single soul, or do positively anything else worth a damn. I get uncomfortable talking for more than ten minutes about anything that will perish with this world.

I’m tired of not knowing what to do with myself, of not wanting to work hard enough to contribute anything. Of my lack of passion. Of not being the Cool One, Talented One, or Fun One.

Guys, I’m tired of uncertainty, of not knowing the future but having to make decisions that affect it. I’m tired of making decisions based on money. Tired of being too poor to afford more than two pints a month at the Ginger Man.

I’m tired of only eating food that can be microwaved at home. I’m tired of fried food everywhere else. Tired of worrying about calories.

I’m tired of bitching. I’m tired of being all talk and no action. I’m tired of writing “I’m tired.” It must be awful to read.

I need a vacation.


Anonymous said...

I like this post. Not because I am glad you feel this way, but because I feel like less of a "Richard" head for feeling the same way. All this stuff it good to feel, it means the Spirit is working in you. If things were easy, it wouldn't cause us to rely on the Spirit. I am in a bad cussing habit too, I don't say goddamnit but I do say the "F" word and I am sure that is just as bad. Anyway, I am praying for you and I hope you start feeling more energetic and excited about things and that you would feel like "you" and be ok with it. You may be a slow reader, but you are a great writer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being so open. It's so rare that people really let others know how they are TRULY doing.

If you want to do something about Darfur, we've got some things going on this week. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you for writing this blog. I think these are the most honest words you've written.

PS-I'm tired too.

Leslie said...

I think you just summed up everything that is wrong with this life. It makes me want to cry. It makes me want to shout "amen!" It makes me want to say, "Well, if you're so tired of these things, why don't you DO something about them?" Wait, I think it's myself that I want to say that to.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this. I think, even more than expressing tiredness, you have expressed longing. And that is where the hope is.

The Raging Paradoxidation said...

Excellent post Spoon. Life is full of times like this. I feel that mine feels this way most of the time. It sucks, but it lets us know that we are still human and have not become completely numb.

I also second the mention of you writing this in such a great way. Many people won't even admit that they feel such things, let alone post it out on the web for the whole world to see. I was drawn in by your descriptions.

My personal thoughts on the language issue is that I'm sure that the Big Spirit in the sky probably has bigger fish to fry than an occasional f-bomb or the damming of an inanimate object.

In the words of Red Green- "Hang in there, I'm pullin' for ya. We're all in this together."

Jason said...

I am tired of you not living where I am.

Spoon said...

Thanks for the encouragement Mr. Kubarger. And "Mrs." Kubarger (I was aware only of Mr. and Mr. Kubargers), my schedule is packed until school gets out, but I'm wearing the green band until then. Amanda and Leslie, I appreciate the sympathy. I've all but given up on some of those things I wrote about, but others I want to "DO something about them" and haven't been successful (yet).

Chris, I always thought of the Man Upstairs as a charcoal guy, but I bet you learn how to fry a mean fish when you hang out in Galilee. Jason--my roommate moves out on the 9th.